Employer Resources
Success is often synonymous with having the right team in the dynamic business world.
Finding the right employees is not just about filling positions and supporting current employees is not just about keeping a position filled; it’s about connecting with individuals who share your vision and contribute to your organization’s growth. These programs + resources from the State of Ohio are geared towards developing an agile and skilled workforce.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Tax Benefits of Hiring from Target Groups | Employers Can Reduce Tax Liability
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program provides tax incentives to employers who hire individuals from one of ten target groups. Credits are based on the target group, ranging from $1,200 to $9,600.
If you are hiring individuals who are a veteran, receiving food stamps or temporary assistance to needy families, have a felony conviction or were released from a correctional facility within the previous year, have a disability, are between 18-39 years old, and live in Crawford, Monroe, Paulding, Seneca or Van Wert counties or in an empowerment zone (which are located in and around the larger cities of Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati) follow the below link for more details.
Applications for the WOTC program must be submitted to the Ohio WOTC office within 28 days of the hire date, so don’t delay reaching out today!
Ohio TechCred | Upskill your workforce.
No matter what industry you’re in, technology impacts the future of your business and the nature of your work. TechCred helps Ohioans learn new skills and helps employers build a more robust workforce with the skills needed in a tech-infused economy.
Ohio’s TechCred Program allows businesses to upskill current and future employees to help them qualify for better jobs in today’s tech-infused economy. Businesses that submit successful applications will be reimbursed up to $2000 per credential when current or prospective employees complete technology-focused credentials. Businesses are eligible for $30,000 every application period.
What is TechCred?
The program funds up to 40,000 technology-focused credentials. For a credential to qualify, the credential must be:
- Short-term, less than one year to complete
- Technology-focused
- Industry-recognized
What’s in it for employers?
Hiring tech talent is expensive. TechCred helps employers take their dedicated workforce and make them their top tech talent.
How do businesses get started?
1. Identify skills needs and employees
2. Partner with an education or training provider
3. Apply online
4. Enroll employees in the program
5. Submit proof of completion of credentials
6. Receive reimbursement for completed Credentials
ApprenticeOhio is a program that connects companies to people wanting to learn a trade or skill. This is an excellent opportunity for Ohio because:
- Companies can meet the needs of the market and get well-trained employees.
- People can get good-paying jobs.
ApprenticeOhio focuses on:
- Programs that are valued by industry and jobs are in demand.
- Jobs that pay the apprentice during training.
- Getting mentors who are willing to train.
- Education to support training.
- A diverse workforce.
- Safety and proper supervision of trainees.
- Certificates for apprentices that are accepted throughout the United States.